Mouse Problem

So, we have a bit of a mouse problem in my student house. It’s been around for ages, but I thought we’d caught them all a while ago with Captain RiffRaff’s very own homemade humane mouse traps. Plus, having a cat should act as a pretty good deterrent to any rodent bandits.

But, about two weeks ago, I found a cheesy bastard in my potatoes.

Naturally, the spuds went in the bin and I went on the hunt. I made another mouse trap, set the bait and waited.

And waited.

And waited.

No mice were taking the bait. Either I wasn’t making it accessible enough or mice don’t like peanut butter. I sure do.

So, when I nipped into town today to get some bits and bobs, I picked up a couple of cheap mouse traps. Just the simple snap ones that break their necks nice and clean, so the mouse doesn’t suffer.

After a little while and some bruised fingers, I set the traps with the bait, popped them in the cupboard and settled down with some revision.

Not two hours later, I heard a loud snap and a clatter. I’d got one!

I quickly scooped up the little body that was still twitching, taking a moment to say sorry and appreciate how soft it was. I am seriously considering some mouse fur gloves. I scooted outside to find my cat, who was overjoyed at the prospect of hunting a just-dead mouse.

So after I dangled it in front of her nose and she almost peed her little kitty pants, she grabbed it and ran off to the middle of the garden, where she proceeded to bat it about and chase it before settling down to a tasty snack.

Even though I technically caught the mouse, I’m still proud of her for playing her hunting games and gobbling it up. I guess that makes me her kitty mum.

Hopefully she’ll catch some herself soon.

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