A Hearty Slap Up! Or Not.

Being a seafood loving creature, I tend to eat fish quite often, though I will very rarely say no to a thick, bloody steak!

That being said, I had to say no today, as one of my favourite pubs at home recently underwent a transformation into a bar / restaurant type deal.

It looks lovely on the inside, but in reality, it’s not all that great.

The food was overpriced and of poor quality. I had fish and chips, as this was one of the few things I was able to afford. The starter was some mushroomy thing on toast (it had a fancy name, but that’s all it was) with was underseasoned, soggy and unappetising. It was generally wet. While the fish itself was nicely cooked, the batter was soggy on the underside, the chips were floppy and tasteless, the mushy peas were a mound of solid, shredded giant snot, and the whole thing was covered in salt. Thanks, but I like to be able to add salt to my own meal if it needs it.

Other than that, I tried some of my table’s other dishes; and lets just say I was not impressed. The parsnip mash was not mash, but half liquid, half lumpy vomit, the broccoli was undercooked, the chicken under-seasoned, and the bloody wrong meal come to the table for one of us.

Dessert was okay, but nothing to rave about. I can’t even remember what I had, it was so underwhelming. Something with peach ice cream in it. I love ice cream, I love peach, but this thing was nothing special.

I’d have LOVED to have started my meal with fresh dressed crab, and then had steak (blue, obviously), but that would have left me about fifty quid out of pocket. Fifty! I can go to Weatherspoons and get a perfect steak and a pint for about six quid. And I bet you, a pound to a penny, the steak at spoons would be nicer.

Needless to say, I won’t be eating there again. Yuck.