So I went out to Birmingham this weekend, for once able to leave all my toubles behind and enjoy my birthday.

I had drinks bought for me, people listening to what I had to say, and virtually no drama, aside from a couple of foolish people who had their own private little drama after they both said it wouldn’t happen. Welp, it’s not my problem any more.

Oh, and one twat who I didn’t want to see turned up uninvited, but he seemed to get the message pretty quickly and fucked off, but not before following me around, oblivious to the fact I was deliberately trying to avoid him. Seriously, this thick cunt has had some fantasy about he and I for months, no matter how often I told him I was simply not interested and wanted nothing to do with him. He’s lucky he got lost when he did, I’d had enough to drink to be more than happy to be violent towards people I really dislike.


Other than that, it was a lovely weekend and I got to leave my worries behind for a bit, I got to meet some new people and have fun with old friends.

I’m not watching the 100 scariest moments 2003 on Youtube, trying to decide if any of these films will scare me if I haven’t seen them before.

Lol no.