Where has all the time gone?

It’s been a long time.

It’s been years.

Out of the blue, I remembered this old blog. I decided to look it up. It feels rather strange. How much I’ve changed over three short years.

I’ve gone from being a fairly smart, hopeful young woman to… nothing.

All my hopes and dreams of my youth were never realised. I never got a career in psychology. I never made it to work in a zoo. I ended up in a dreaded office job, earning a pittance. I live in a shared house, and have few people in my life I can truly call friend.

I guess I can see why this happened.

My depression, which I now know I’ve had since childhood, snuck up on me like the sneakiest little sneaker and took full hold of my life. It doesn’t help that I discovered a lot of my problems stem from what I realised to be an abusive childhood. Funny how you never realise you’re abused until you’re away from it all.

A lot has happened over these last few years. I got my current job. I joined a gym. I started working with a personal trainer. I failed at everything workout related. Still going though. I got kicked out of my home. I gained a scary amount of weight. I became an alcoholic. My dog died. My mother died.

I’m pretty much alone. I’ve got no one I can really turn to. It’s a horrible feeling.

But you know what?

I’m taking steps to make my life better. There’s not much for me to look forward to, I admit. But I’m working on getting better. I’m back into my firebreathing. I’m writing more. I’m trying to stay positive. I’m hoping, with my inheritance, I can get a little place of my own.

I’m hoping I can finally turn my back on all those who let me down, who stabbed me in the back, who pushed me over when I was losing my balance.

I’m hoping this time next year, I’ll have made a difference.

I’m hoping.


Well it’s been a while since I posted. I know I keep saying I’m going to keep up with this, and post lots, but hell, that never seems to happen.
A lot of crap has been going on for a while, but that’s not something I really need to get into right now.
Anyway, updates.
I’m going to Center Parcs next week (yay!), the new one, Woburn I think it’s called. Looking forward to it. Well, kinda. I’m going with my Dad, sister and nephew. I don’t get on with my sister and it’s a rather uneasy relationship with my dad, but I love my nephew and I’m glad I’m going with him, though I think I’m going to do most of the caring that week. I don’t really mind too much, but I do kinda want some time for me. Plus, it should be my sister looking after him, though knowing her reputation for shirking responsibility whenever she can, and playing to the gallery, and only fussing her kid when she feels she’ll get attention from it is a ballache.
Update number 2.
I’m trying to learn guitar. I have one, and I’ve just about figured out Auld Lang Sye, but it’s pretty tricky. I’ve got some apps and internet stuff I can look at, but it’s gonna take a while. I knew it would, but it’s a pain getting past that initial learning phase. Had to cut my nails off too. I’m by no means a girly girl, but I’m proud of my nails and I hate them short. I kept them long on my right hand… but of course my thumbnail broke off at work.
Ah, work.
If anyone reads this, and ever considers going into hospitality, i.e. waitressing, catering, or anything similar, don’t. At least, not where I work.
Hoo boy, it’s crap on a stick.
My feet hurt, my back hurts, I can’t grip things properly any more, it sucks. I know that the pain is part and parcel of working in this industry, but bloody hell.
I got chucked in the deep end too. No training, people expecting me to know everything and getting pissy when I don’t. Working with some absolute arseholes too. Most of the people I work with are cool, but there are just a couple who are horrendous. Think playground bullying, and you’ve got an idea of what I have to deal with.
The hours are long, the pay is appalling, some of my coworkers are self-entitled cockends, and I just want OUT.
But I need another job. Which is why I’m starting my own business.
It’s focused on canine behaviourism, i.e. dog training and helping problem dogs. Watch this space.
The ballache is if I want to keep this waitressing job part time while I get off the ground is that I have to work weekends. I don’t wanna but my new boss said it’s pretty much a must.
Fair enough. I understand why, but it’s still a nightmare. Weekends are the worst. I just hope as Autumn and Winter roll around we’ll get fewer customers. I’m hoping to be gone by Halloween. Definitely by Christmas. Fuck working the Christmas shift. Seriously. The general public’s view of the place is that it’s a dump, with overpriced food, poor service and is generally, to quote a customer, “poo”.
Anyway. It’s gone one in the morning and I’m back at the shithole later. Time for sleeps. Let’s hope I do actually sleep this time. Haven’t slept all too well recently.

Leaked Deadpool Film Footage

Right, I’ve seen it, you’ve seen it, we’ve all orgasmed over and over again to it.

The “leaked” test footage from a few years ago for a Deadpool film, starring Ryan Reynolds as the titular wise cracking, bad-guy slapping, nice arse rocking Merc with a Mouth.

It’s beautiful. It’s perfect. I have no complaints about it, except for why isn’t there more?

I don’t know whether or not the film is in production, or even being considered.

I want this film badly. Like really badly. I’d slaughter an African Village for it, with a big smile on my face. I’d identify as ‘Pool’s left bollock if I had to.

Mind you, I guess this is partly because I may have accidentally completely incidentally not-searching-at-all-y stumbled across what might be the script.

It’s a big IF.

I don’t know if it’s real or fake, a draft, or something that’s really going to go ahead. I can’t say.

All I know is it made me laugh, and it made me cry.


I never cry at anything.

I want it. And I want it now.

I Don’t Get Ballet

Now, before the toffs out there get their silver spoons in a twist, hear me out. I can appreciate ballet is an artform, and it takes a hell of a lot of skill to do it. but I just don’t get it. The only thing I like about it is the music.

All it seems to be is a load of leaping about with pointy feet and spinning around, standing on your tip toes (resulting in some rather horrible feet problems) and sticking one leg out at a time, with the occasional ungainly kick thrown in. I’ve got Swan Lake on at the moment, mainly for the music, but every now and again I’ll flick to the other tab to see what’s going on. And it’s jumping, spinning and pointing. Every time. Is this all ballet is? Ooh now I’m holding a woman so she can bend a bit more than she could under her own steam. This princey guy and one of the girls have just repeated the same five moves over and over for about five minutes. I kinda prefer variety.

If I didn’t know the story of Swan Lake as it is, even watching the whole thing closely, I’d likely have no idea what’s going on. People prancing about, one looks like a prince, the other’s a jester, now there’s a guy dressed up like a flamboyant black devil. What?

People say it’s beautiful… And I guess if you like generic pretty looking women who all look like they were gotten out of a box from the same shelf at Toys R Us then cool, I can dig that. Yeah it’s graceful in places, but raising and lowering your arms together and skipping about with feet that stick out in odd directions isn’t what I’d call grace.

Spinning at various speeds, pointing and bending a lot. Impressive, but it’s something you could see at a circus. I’d rather go to a circus actually, so long as they were nice to their animals.

Things That Annoy Me: Liars

I’ve never liked liars. People who make things up that never happened, be it for attention or to get out of trouble. The attention whores are the worst because, let’s face it, every kid has lied about one thing or another to avoid getting into trouble. “Did you eat that cake?” “No…” and suchlike.

But people who make shit up for attention, and the compulsive liars are the absolute worst.

Compulsive liars, there’s not even any point to half the shit they lie about. If you’ve been to Disney Land, they’ve got a season ticket. “Oh have you seen that new film that’s out?” “Yeah, I really enjoyed it.”

“My favourite food is chicken.” “Oh mine too!”

“I fell off a mountain once” (Actually happened to a friend of mine). “Oh yeah, I did too!” (The same moron who said that also claimed that, because I studied psychology, he had a degree level knowledge because his nan had taught him. It gave me great pleasure to frequently correct his knowledge and embarrass him for lying.)

 “Oh yeah, I’ve been stabbed before.”

Wait, what?

This is where compulsive liars and attention whores cross over a bit, although I recognise that compulsive liars have quite an issue and attention whores are just cunts.

Why do I hate attention whores so much? The short answer would be I hate the way they pretend they’ve been through some pretty horrendous shit just for a pat on the back or a bit of sympathy. They generally pick up on something that’s happened to someone they know, a bad break up perhaps, or an abusive partner. They then go around, telling anyone who’ll listen about this horrid thing that happened to them. And to make matters worse, they have a bunch of sycophantic “friends” who go along with everything that these numpties say.

Let me give you a few examples.

The ex-girlfriend of one of my flatmates is a pretty sad person. She’s one of those fat, unfortunate-faced, insecure people who love to think they have a unique, special opinion. She’s a radical feminazi and pro-gay rights prat. (nothing wrong with gay rights, let me clarify, but she goes about claiming she hates straight people when she herself, is straight). She’s one of those tumblrfags who goes about claiming people have “thin privilege” and if you don’t accept every single thing about feminazis and the LGBT community, you’re a bigot and should be killed. Funnily enough, she can’t back her arguments up and resorts to screaming that you’re bigoted/homophobic/sexist/racist as applicable to her argument. I can’t stand the cow.

 She’s got huge daddy issues and because of this, likes to pretend she’s got every mental disorder under the sun, her favourite being bipolar. As with a lot of people who pretend they’ve got a mental disorder, they only act out the most common “symptoms” and often, common misconceptions. She also feels the need to post about her “disorders” on facebook and other such social networking sites.

The fact is, someone who has a mental disorder never boasts about it. They never use it to get special treatment. They just do their best to get on with it all. On a personal level, people who make up disorders that people genuinely suffer is pretty disgusting, simply because they are so boring and insecure they have to pretend they’re ill. Some people claim that is a disorder in itself, but it is not. It is simply a lie created to garner attention.

Some girl I know from back at home isn’t as bad as some of the other examples. At least, she doesn’t piss me off quite as much as the others. But, she infuriates a couple of friends of mine, and I’ll explain why it is for their benefit I’m including her.

The three friends I’m talking about are all LGBT. Two are lesbians and dating, and one is a trans FTM. All of them are lovely, kind people I value as friends, so this girl’s behaviour does upset me, if only on behalf of people I care about.

This girl is pretending she’s an FTM Trans.

Let me put this into context. A lot of, if not most, trans people have a really hard time of it, coming to terms with what they feel, how they feel, and dealing with ridicule from all sides, not to mention the trauma of the surgeries and hormone treatments. This girl just wanders round, claiming she identifies as a man, but making no effort to change the way she dresses or looks. She looks very feminine for a “bloke”. She wears make up, has girly hair, wears girl’s clothes. And she’s done this for months. Naturally, my actual trans friend is upset, because she has no idea how hard it is to be a trans person. Indeed it’s the letter in LGBT that is least understood and has the least awareness. But this girl will just go around happily spouting that she’s a boy and should be treated like a boy but refuses to make any attempt to transition. It makes me sick.

One final example that gets my blood boiling.

Another attention whore I know, this one an emo, likes to make up that she’d been raped on numerous occasions (conveniently after she’d had an argument with her then boyfriend) and had been abused by various men in the past. Oddly enough, she only started claiming this stuff happened to her after a dear friend of mine (who shall remain nameless for obvious reasons) got very drunk and accidentally let slip that she had been abused and raped by a previous partner. Poor thing was hysterical when she realised what she’d said.

But when that self-serving little cunt started proudly stating that she had been through the same thing, but WORSE, so much WORSE than my poor friend, and patronisingly trying to tell her she should be glad it wasn’t WORSE I have to say, I’m proud that my friend didn’t kill her.

It’s just so insulting, what these people do. they take something horrid that happened to another, or a struggle that someone’s going through and turn it all around to make it about them, when most of the time they lead a sheltered life, and the only bad thing to happen to them was their parents told them off when they found their cigarettes at 14. it’s just plain disgusting. There are more examples I could give you but I don’t think I can stand to write much more about it all.

The worst bit about all these vile people is they have idiots around them who agree with everything they’ve said, encouraging this pathetic behaviour just to be included. I have never understood why this sort of behaviour is encouraged. Do you want to avoid upsetting them in case you “trigger” something? In case they’re telling the truth? Let me tell you now, you can ALWAYS tell when someone is lying. Don’t call them out if you don’t want to but for the love of god, stop giving them attention. People who really need you to be there for them will often never ask you.

Riff Raff, the Well Spoken Delinqent

A very good evening to you all.

It would appear that once again, I am in the mood to write a blog, or many.

In the past, I have not been able to continue blogs for more than a few months, so I doubt this will be any different. Oh well, who gives a stuff.

However, a few warnings before we begin.

There will be swearing.

there will be awful poetry

There will be references to sex.

There will probably be a lot of offensive topics mentioned.

I tend to rant a lot.

Though I do occasionally talk about things that make me happy.

Religion will be made fun of.

As will stupid people.

There may well be boobs.

Here there be dragons.

It’s going to take a while for this to kick off, as I haven’t finished making myself into a pirate yet. Give me a week.

In other news, my 21st birthday is approaching with alarming speed, so with undue haste I am forced once more to become a year older. If I’m a little distracted, forgive me.