Greenday’s Well Publicised Tantrum

So everyone’s been whining about Billie Joe throwing a wobbler at some concert or another a little while ago. Apparently, he got drunk / was on drugs / is a brat and had a bitch fit because the people in charge cut his band’s time by half an hour because Usher overran his time slot.
Wait what?
Some dickhead overran his allotted time, so they cut another artist’s time?
That, to me, is completely unfair.
Sure, BJ could have behaved with a little more decorum and had a quiet word with managers and co off stage, but to be honest, if I’d have been in that position, and had my time cut with no warning, because some ignorant, moronic dickface had been inconsiderate and stupid, I’d have thrown a wobbler too.
Concerts overrun, okay? It’s part of the damned package. Artists play with the audience and have some fun instead of just singing like a CD and being boring.
What I have a problem with is one shitface doing it and making another artist suffer for it. If they were that worried about time, they should have cut Usher off when he overran.
It seems like it’s acceptable to do it to one artist but not another. What the fuck gives? Were they worried Usher would have a tantrum and sue them or something?
I don’t know and I don’t care, but ultimately, I think Billie Joe had every right to be pissed off, and people saying he acted like an idiot have a point, but in my opinion, it’s acceptable considering the way he and his band were treated.

I’d rather listen to their music than that bollocks rap that people think is music.