
Well it’s been a while since I posted. I know I keep saying I’m going to keep up with this, and post lots, but hell, that never seems to happen.
A lot of crap has been going on for a while, but that’s not something I really need to get into right now.
Anyway, updates.
I’m going to Center Parcs next week (yay!), the new one, Woburn I think it’s called. Looking forward to it. Well, kinda. I’m going with my Dad, sister and nephew. I don’t get on with my sister and it’s a rather uneasy relationship with my dad, but I love my nephew and I’m glad I’m going with him, though I think I’m going to do most of the caring that week. I don’t really mind too much, but I do kinda want some time for me. Plus, it should be my sister looking after him, though knowing her reputation for shirking responsibility whenever she can, and playing to the gallery, and only fussing her kid when she feels she’ll get attention from it is a ballache.
Update number 2.
I’m trying to learn guitar. I have one, and I’ve just about figured out Auld Lang Sye, but it’s pretty tricky. I’ve got some apps and internet stuff I can look at, but it’s gonna take a while. I knew it would, but it’s a pain getting past that initial learning phase. Had to cut my nails off too. I’m by no means a girly girl, but I’m proud of my nails and I hate them short. I kept them long on my right hand… but of course my thumbnail broke off at work.
Ah, work.
If anyone reads this, and ever considers going into hospitality, i.e. waitressing, catering, or anything similar, don’t. At least, not where I work.
Hoo boy, it’s crap on a stick.
My feet hurt, my back hurts, I can’t grip things properly any more, it sucks. I know that the pain is part and parcel of working in this industry, but bloody hell.
I got chucked in the deep end too. No training, people expecting me to know everything and getting pissy when I don’t. Working with some absolute arseholes too. Most of the people I work with are cool, but there are just a couple who are horrendous. Think playground bullying, and you’ve got an idea of what I have to deal with.
The hours are long, the pay is appalling, some of my coworkers are self-entitled cockends, and I just want OUT.
But I need another job. Which is why I’m starting my own business.
It’s focused on canine behaviourism, i.e. dog training and helping problem dogs. Watch this space.
The ballache is if I want to keep this waitressing job part time while I get off the ground is that I have to work weekends. I don’t wanna but my new boss said it’s pretty much a must.
Fair enough. I understand why, but it’s still a nightmare. Weekends are the worst. I just hope as Autumn and Winter roll around we’ll get fewer customers. I’m hoping to be gone by Halloween. Definitely by Christmas. Fuck working the Christmas shift. Seriously. The general public’s view of the place is that it’s a dump, with overpriced food, poor service and is generally, to quote a customer, “poo”.
Anyway. It’s gone one in the morning and I’m back at the shithole later. Time for sleeps. Let’s hope I do actually sleep this time. Haven’t slept all too well recently.